Thursday 25 July 2013


If hate formed in my being,
you would die.
If hate is all that I feel,
Then the silent screams would stop.

I will tear at your heart, and suck you dry.
You will call for  help,
And I will be there.
Knife in hand, and gun at point.

You must die, for I will live.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Easter Night

The sky is grey and does not see
as the colors fade
from blood to black.

This hole behold is a bottomless.
festered wound,
This sketch achen.

Night, Oh do not end.
Pray take me with you
to thy black abyss.

midair clipped my wings,
slapped me twice,
you belong down
in that colorless vale.

Friday 9 November 2012

Die for me

you will be forgotten,
while you live,
your memory will escape me,
that day
through my eyes
every sight will be blue,
red and pink.
Every sound richer,
every emotion rewarding.
The skies mirth shall pour
unto a dead heart,
which you killed,
when you decided to part.
When love dies,
the undead rise.
Let it
I die,
for love was empty,
my mind was,
when you said I love you plenty.
Angel eyes
angel wings,
will be dust,
when you die,
you will be dust.
This you must,
Someday I will die too,
your memory
will be long gone.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sorrows song

Vast blue sky,
fringes of purple and  pink.
traced by a finger,
with no ring.

Does sorrow come to me?
Sorrow is this soul

Time did not exist,
Arrows that pierce did.
this spirit snuffed.
wind blows,
blows at my dead soul.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

By the beach

Sun shining, kisses the sand,
on my bare back,
I lie.

My eyes are closed,
in my minds eye, is her.
Soft rush on tiny waves,
is this kiss.

Sleeping beauty, is me
my prince, is she
red lace on her wrists
sparkles on her lips

Her hip on top,
soft hands on my chest,
she leans, slowly
in grace.

Sets the sun, not her gaze
her impish smile
Lingers with the suns rays.

Play with the sand,
As it slips,
So does this time.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Murky tale

Short, small, specific
is what you need to be
when your day is not through,
you need some of this.

Play a song, sing with it,
deep the echo,
that what you want,
is far away.

Princess wants the silver shoe,
fairytale prince
A kiss to keep you busy
Lets go get Thin Lizzie

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Suicide forest

Mossy ground,
dark green and brown
Stride the path,
Eroded long past.

Aokigahara's cousin,
set in misty haze.
The mountain overlooks,
the path to perdition.

It is a smile,
naughty and naive,
which lures the dreamer
cleaves his soul

Scream you screamer,
I welcome thee,
to the forest
where the end is here.